首頁 8結蛋捲禮盒 2023禮盒新上市 2023禮盒新上市 金豐收8結提盒 金豐收8結提盒 內含一盒40入蛋捲分享盒 (尺寸... 優惠價 / NT$ 295元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "640", // Product ID. 'name': "金豐收8結提盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 640 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"金豐收8結提盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 金典8結禮盒 相聚時刻 金典8結禮盒 傳達您最真摯的情誼 ... 優惠價 / NT$ 480元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "641", // Product ID. 'name': "金典8結禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 641 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"金典8結禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 金典8結乳酪絲禮盒 醇香手作乳酪絲 天然、高鈣營養價值高 手工剝絲、... 優惠價 / NT$ 655元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "663", // Product ID. 'name': "金典8結乳酪絲禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 663 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"金典8結乳酪絲禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 金典8結肉酥酥禮盒 家傳三代委託60年老店製作, 全台僅此一家的「超... 優惠價 / NT$ 555元 我要購買 ga('ec:addImpression', { 'id': "654", // Product ID. 'name': "金典8結肉酥酥禮盒", // Product name. 'category': "", // Product category. 'brand': "", // Product brand. 'variant': "", // Product variant. 'list': "商品瀏覽", // Specify the place showing the product. 'position': 654 // Product position (number). }); ga('send', 'event', 'Products', 'impression',"金典8結肉酥酥禮盒" ,{'nonInteraction': 1}); // When finish firing the impression data of the displayed products 8結蛋捲禮盒 8結蛋捲禮盒 8結蛋捲禮盒